Certified Liquid Waste Recovery Engineers will schedule a visit to your location and provide a Complimentary Evaluation and Service Quote.

For Grease Trap Removal and Line Jetting:

Evaluate environmental factors to minimize intrusions on customers normal business hours and surrounding neighbors including:

  • Identify Grease Trap location and size of tank(s)

  • Determine where LWR Truck placement would be least disturbing, to surrounding neighborhoods, business deliveries etc.

  • Pinpoint the optimal day and time that grease trap pumping has no impact on customer business operations, surrounding businesses, or neighborhoods.

For Exhaust Hood Cleaning:

Evaluate environmental factors to minimize intrusions on customers normal business hours and surrounding neighbors including:

  • Identify exhaust hood location(s), size of exhaust hood(s), number of filters, number of floor drains, placement and accessibility of both exhaust fans, as well as duct work.

  • Determine where LWR equipment placement would be least disturbing, to surrounding neighborhoods, business deliveries, etc.

  • Pinpoint the optimal day and time that exhaust hood cleaning has no impact on customer business operations, surrounding businesses, or neighborhoods surrounding businesses, or neighborhoods.

Generate and present a detailed written quotation which includes:

Evaluate environmental factors to minimize intrusions on customers normal business hours and surrounding neighbors including:

  • If previous invoices are available Liquid Waste will analyze and assess.

  • Provide and lock in a twelve-month service price gaurantee.

  • Commit to a guarantee level of customer satisfaction or the “cleaning” is on us.

PHONE: 954-544-2559